Men's skin care - Avoid embarasing blemishes and other unsightly men's skin problems by using these solutions to common issues men have with their most public feature.
Does your skin nick easily, burn and/or get red and bumpy after you shave?

Note: stay away from alcohol- based aftershaves; they will only irritate your skin.
Do the dark circles under your eyes make you look like a raccoon? Dark circles under the eyes, which are actually broken blood vessels under the skin, are caused by several things. Most of the time it is an issue of heredity. Other causes are booze, cigarettes, and caffeinated drinks. But it can still be contained with topical products. vitamin K creamand there are other creams that contain caffeine that are also effective. So if you have tried everything then it could very well be an iron deficiency, in which case you would want to see a doctor.
Get a facial. Go to a reputable spa and ask the esthetician (the gal who is giving you your facial) to analyze the type of skin you have as well as the condition it is in. She will be able to make recommendations specifically suited for you.
Blackheads anyone?
Again, get a facial. Or you could try a cleansing mask. The more effective products are typically made of clay. Be sure to follow the instructions for best results. You don't have to use these masks all over your face either; you can target your problem areas.
Do you have oily, breakout prone skin?
If you use regular soap to cleanse your skin--stop. Soap strips your skin of natural oils, and your glands react by producing even more oil. Try a gentle foaming cleanser or milk cleanser if this problem is mild. If you need something stronger you could always try a cleanser or spot treatment with salicylic acid and beta hydroxyl. You may also want to use an oil free moisturizer.
Note: although benzoil peroxide is a common and effective treatment for breakouts, it is also drying to the skin and can increase oil production.
Listen, we all like to go out now and again and throw a few back. So what can you do to keep your face looking fresh even though the rest of you doesn't feel that way?
It should be no surprise that drinking (alcoholic beverages that is) takes the moisture right out of your skin, which is why you look sallow the morning after. One way to avoid this is to keep up on your daily skin care regime of cleansing, toning and moisturizing. It will help keep your skin soft and replenished. And make sure to use a stimulating eye gel in the morning to keep the bags at bay. At least once a week use a facial scrub or exfoliant. This will slough off dead skin and help you look more radiant.
Are you keeping those lips kissable? No woman wants to smooch a couple strips of sand paper. Keep those things moisturized.
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