Achieving healthy hait is much easier with a few essential guidelines. The following are 5 of the most basic healthy hair tips that can help you get softer, more manageable hair:
1) Be gentle when using heat on your hair. Heat-styling is shine-killer, so whenever possible, allow hair to air dry naturally. If air drying is not an option, set your styling tools on a low setting. If you can let your hair partially air dry, you can at least eliminate a large portion of the heat styling, which will be that much better for your hair.
2) Limit the use of hair sprays and gels containing alcohol. These products will ultimately leave your hair dry and brittle. Anti-frizz serum is a great alternative to gel. The serum will smooth your hair and leave it shiny and manageable.
3) Avoid shampooing your hair every day. Shampoo strips away natural oils from the scalp, robbing your hair of shine. Ideally, hair should be washed every 3 days or so, depending on how dry or oily your hair tends to be. Brush hair every day to distribute the natural oils to the ends of you hair.

5) Deep conditioning is one of the most effective to keep hair healthy. To dramatically improve the look and feel of your hair, use a deep conditioner once a week. Avoid rinsing with hot water if possible. Instead, rinse with cool water to seal the hair cuticle and improve shine. A deep conditioner helps to protect your hair, keep it flexible and strong so that you have less breakage in between treatments.
I used to have a 83cm long hair with me, but last year Aug i decided to cut it short.. But when im with my long hair the thing that I must do is to make sure my hair look silky and straight.. tell you what my hair is without rebonding.. you must be thinking IMPOSSIBLE ! but that's true.. will reveal how I take care of my hair to make sure it is in a good condition which can be see and touch soon! So, STAY TUNE!
I have found the exceptional lined information about massive hair care from this source. It's truly looking just most promising about it. According to me, scalp massaging is the great way to get health hair.